Hosting a student – when the world comes to your place
If you are not ready for an exchange or if an exchange does not feature in you plans, you can still host a Rotary exchange student. Host families in the Youth Exchange program come in all shapes and sizes. They can be Rotarians or non-Rotarians, and may include young children, older children, or no children at all.
Hosting a student brings the world to your place - you meet someone from another country, share their culture, their language, and their perspective of the world. At the same time they will learn about you and life in New Zealand which makes if a fun and enjoyable two-way experience.
Most students will speak English to a level that it makes day-to-day activities easy. They will be keen to experience real life in New Zealand, so you are not expected to be a top chef nor tour guide. Hosting a student involves opening your home and your heart to a young person for a period of about 12 weeks and at a time that suits you. Most host families say that the rewards well exceed the effort!
Rotary Guide for Host Families RI Host Family Guide